Edward E. Cannon

The Edward E. Cannon Memorial Scholarship Foundation was established in 1957 as an outgrowth of the chapter’s senior high school tutorial program. The brothers of the chapter wanted to continue the positive relationships they had established with Queens high school students during their college years. Originally titled the “Gamma Rho Sigma Chapter College Scholarship Program”, the fund was created to provide tuition assistance to deserving students during their undergraduate studies. Throughout the years the chapter is proud to have been able to contribute valuable assistance to the college training of professionals in the fields of Accounting, Law, Education, Social Work and more. In 1987, the fund was renamed “The Edward E. Cannon Memorial Scholarship” honoring a recently deceased charter member of the chapter who had established himself professionally in the fields of Art Education and Administration. Brother Cannon had been the first member of the Gamma Rho Sigma Chapter selected to receive the high fraternal honor of membership in the Distinguished Service Chapter. The purpose of the Edward E. Cannon Memorial Scholarship is to provide college scholarship awards to high school seniors and continuing college students who have demonstrated excellence in academics, volunteerism and leadership and who are committed to making a difference in their community.
Scholarship Award:
A $1,000 scholarship will be awarded for the purpose of pursuing in a degree in any major field of study. The awards are for one year only and will be dispersed at $500 per semester.
Male and of African or African-American descent.
2023 high school graduate with a minimum GPA of 3.0; based on a 4.0 scale.
Demonstrated community service, volunteer commitment, initiative, and leadership skills.
Resident of Queens County or Nassau County.
Provide written acceptance letter for the Fall 2023 academic school year from your selected College or University.
Completed application package.
Completed application form. If under 18 years of age, application form must be signed by parent or guardian.
Unofficial high school transcripts
Applicant photo
Two professional letters of recommendation (one from each category):
Academic Achievement (HS Teacher/Counselor/Principal, etc.
Community Service (Religious Leader, Work supervisor, Community/Volunteer Project Leader, etc.)
Selection Criteria:
Participated in a significant service project(s) that impacted your community.
Student Essay: 500 - Word minimum essay (typed in Times New Roman 12pt font and double spaced) answering the below questions: Describe who you are, your career goals and what impact you want to achieve in your future years in college? Why should you receive this scholarship?
Letters of Recommendation
Academic Standing